Local Dementia Contacts
Sheffield's Dementia Contacts and Services lists services who can support people and it is also available for professionals in a handy credit card sized booklet. Local contacts booklet for folding can be printed and folded using these instructions for easy reference.
Occupational Therapy and Dementia is leaflet produced by the Equipment and Adaptations Team at Sheffield City Council provides information about the service and how they help people. It also contains a contact us page.
Dementia Support is a dedicated page within the Sheffield Directory.
The Sheffield Directory is a local information and advice website. It can be used to find information and advice, discover local groups, activities and services in local area’s of the city.
The guide is a general leaflet produced by Sheffield City Council and "People Keeping Well" partner organisations, designed to help
people find out what activities are going on in their local area to help a
person be healthy and promote physical as well as mental well-being.
Time to think about me is a website that has been designed
to support people in making the best choices about their health and
well-being. The pages can be viewed
electronically and contain links to some local as well as national resources on
the subject selected. The pages can also
be printed and used as activities to help people to think about staying well.