Falls Prevention Leaflets

There are a great number of general falls prevention leaflets which have been produced to provide information to people to reduce their risk of falling.

Get Up and Go Guide - Saga and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and Public Health England provides general advice helping people to stay steady in this guide. 

Staying Steady - An Age UK information guide about how to reduce your risk of falling.

How can a Person with Dementia Stay Healthy and Active - Alzheimer's Society has produced this help sheet. This encourages people to be active and stay independent.

Physical Activity at Home -  Alzheimer’s Scotland guidance provides tips for people with dementia about all types of enjoyable activities benefitting physical and mental health.  

Staying Steady and Independent with Dementia - This leaflet combines  information from the resources above and makes it relevant to individuals living with dementia.  The leaflet has been designed so that it can be shared in full electronically, printed and given as a hard copy or just the relevant sections can be given to people depending on their circumstances.